Delft mama of the week: Sine
Sine invites me to her house for the interview. When we step in the elevator she tells me many of her neighbours are older people.… Read More »Delft mama of the week: Sine
Sine invites me to her house for the interview. When we step in the elevator she tells me many of her neighbours are older people.… Read More »Delft mama of the week: Sine
When you move places, countries, cultures, you know pretty much what you leave behind, but you never truly know what lays ahead. You get a… Read More »Pieces of us
I met Marie for first time last year when she started hosting the Delft MaMa playgroup. She is currently the playgroup coordinator and she’s taking part… Read More »Delft mama of the week: Marie
When one thinks of The Netherlands the first images that comes to mind may be bicycles, flowers, windmills and cheese. In fact, it does make sense and I was imagining exactly these kinds of things before coming to live here, but the truth is I have learnt that this country is way much more than that. As I had never thought about living here, I wrote a quick list with six things that was only possible to understand after moving to this foreign land.
When I found out I was having a girl I was so excited and imagined all the cute outfits I could put her in. I… Read More »Style and Comfort – Creating your Child’s Wardrobe
Congratulations, you’re raising your children to speak two or more languages. Maybe you have questions. For example: “Am I screwing up my kids for life?”… Read More »Being a Multilingual Mom to Multilingual Kids
I’m meeting our mom of the week at café Kek in the center of Delft. I’m early, but she’s already sitting by the table working.… Read More »Delft Mama of the week: Natali
I really wanted to be a mother and, as a woman who generally gets what she strives for in life, I took for granted that… Read More »Life After Motherhood…Dream On
Note: this is me navigating clumsily in the realms of bilingual parenting. Not an advice whatsoever. If I’d like big words, I’d say don’t try… Read More »Bilingual parenting with a distance – and theories thereof
If you aren’t a native English speaker like myself, when you first start talking to Masha you’ll most likely think you’re talking with someone from… Read More »Delft Mama of the week: Masha
There is a certain expat wisdom in almost every page of the book “Dutched up! Rocking the clogs expat style”. It’s a collection of stories… Read More »Book review: Dutched up! Rocking the clogs expat style
Delft MaMa, represented by a group of kind-hearted volunteers, was one of the 140 institutions present at the largest expat fair in the Netherlands. This annual event… Read More »Delft MaMa takes The Hague
She has a delicate voice, but a lot of power behind her words. She talks about politics, her enthusiastic boys, her upcoming wedding and about… Read More »Delft Mama of the week: América
Spotting the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
Coming from far away New Zealand, we are eager to explore as much of Europe as we can while we are living in the Netherlands. But with three kids in tow (aged 9, 6, and 4) this involves a rather a different way of travelling than when hubby and I roamed Europe for three months in our pre-children days. All our trips during our time in the Netherlands have been on a fairly tight budget, with a lot of planning done in advance, and we have managed to accumulate a lot of shared family experiences and special memories together. Here are some of the things we do when travelling with kids to ensure success.
In the last 4 years my children have been cared for in two different daycare centers and one preschool (peuterspeelzaal), and I’ve got only good things to say about them. Children in The Netherlands start going to school at 4 years of age and there are a few options for childcare before that time comes. They are meant to suit different types of families according to their preference, time and budget.
The first time I met her was just before Christmas. She made me and a bunch of other Delft mamas dance zumba and encouraged all… Read More »Delft Mama of the week: Feliciana
You just had a tough morning, got the fussy kids fed and finally to school, got yourself racing against the clock and made it to… Read More »In your face!
Can you believe it’s Christmas this weekend? Again. Right? All the Christmas preparations are coming together in our house, and that reminds me: we’ve a digital… Read More »Personalized video compilation of the year – step-by-step instructions