Delft MaMa of the week: Alis
Today’s mother of the week is the living proof that the reach of Delft MaMa knows no borders. Alis, is a Catalan high school teacher… Read More »Delft MaMa of the week: Alis
Today’s mother of the week is the living proof that the reach of Delft MaMa knows no borders. Alis, is a Catalan high school teacher… Read More »Delft MaMa of the week: Alis
Citizens of the Kingdom of the Netherlands*, vassals of the King Willem Alexander “the first”, let your hair down, dress up in orange from top to toe and celebrate that His Royal Highness is hitting 50 tomorrow Thursday the 27th of April.
If you arrived in the Netherlands after that date of April 2016, you should know that on Koningsdag nothing is bizarre.
(*that includes Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)
Read More »His Royal Highness Willem Alexander King of the Netherlands is 50! and we are all celebrating him
Books, roses, writers and lovers will literally take the streets of Barcelona and every city big or small in Catalonia tomorrow Sunday the 23rd of April, to… Read More »23rd of April, World book day. Let’s celebrate!
Delft MaMa, represented by a group of kind-hearted volunteers, was one of the 140 institutions present at the largest expat fair in the Netherlands. This annual event… Read More »Delft MaMa takes The Hague
Every time I go to a supermarket, I cannot help but bring at least one copy of each of the free magazines they have on display. It improves my Dutch vocabulary, teaches me grammar structures whilst it helps find the answer to the “what’s for dinner?” question that I ask myself (and anyone with ears) almost daily.
As crazy as it reads, I plan my shopping in accordance with the magazine I got last. Say if I went to the Plus a week ago, next week I will make sure to swing by the Jumbo. If only for a hand of bananas and a magazine.Read More »A refreshing recipe for a hot week (and the importance of reading supermarket magazines)
Delft MaMa has officially inaugurated the long awaited international cooking club.
Thursday the 21st of July, a mixed group of mums and dads gathered together to cook under the guidance and supervision of Anish Patil, who together with Viji Kannan will coordinate the club.
This very first session took us to India, where Anish comes from. We made a culinarily travel along the 7.571 kilometers India’s coastline and learnt how to use a star ingredient: coconut.
Read More »A table for six (includes original recipes from Anish Patil)
Place yourself at the time when to connect to the internet from home, the phone line was engaged for as long as the connection lasted. Remember the dialing sound of the modem as if it were a broken phone? Are you in that soundcloud? Hang in there, as right here is where this story started, far back in 2001, when a teenage Finnish lady was studying in Italy and a Dutch scientist in his late twenties was exploring his career opportunities in Amsterdam.
Five years after they have exchanged their first “hello”, they met “for real”. No word exchanged at the arrivals gate of the Helsinki international airport, a straightforward kiss was the beginning of what turned out to be a family of five.
Coming Sunday the 29th of May, Delft MaMa is having its first charity walk and Delftse Hout will be turned into a bingo park. Sharpen up your searching skills and make sure you can spot all what’s on the bingo card that the volunteers will give to you upon registration.
Who do we do that all for? For you, for her, for him, for them, for us all, members of the Delft MaMa community!
Read More »Frog? Spotted! Spider? Spotted! Lake? BINGO!
Citizens of the Kingdom of the Netherlands*, vassals of the King Willem Alexander “the first”, let your hair down, dress up in orange from top to toe and celebrate that His Royal Highness is turning 49 this coming Wednesday the 27th of April, on Koningsdag it is all allowed.
(*that includes Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)
Read More »Local events: Koningsdag (King’s Day)
World traditions: in the series “world traditions” we will discover what countries celebrate and how do they celebrate it. At the end of the post, you will find an “embrace the tradition” kit, for those who want to celebrate like a local.
To inaugurate the series, a post about Lovers’ day in Catalonia and World Book Day.
Ⓒ Illustration Roser Calafell Serra
Read More »World traditions: 23rd of April, Lovers’ and World Book Day. Let’s celebrate!
Lo and behold! The new website of Delft MaMa is live and with it the Brand New Blog created and coordinated by Tarja & Agnès, two expats living and multiplying in Delft.
Delft MaMa is turning nine this year. During these years the group has grown into a significant amount of members and it keeps growing each month. Most of us have met other parents in Delft and have seen the huge potential in each others stories. Read More »Welcome to the Delft MaMa Blog!