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How to Identify Your Family’s Unhelpful Patterns

Communication between mom and daughter

Children often have their own unique ways in making connections with others. A child may express a certain need through behaviour to their parents, and it can be a challenge to read between the lines. Perhaps you have a similar experience, which is why I would love to share my story with Delft MaMa. In my practice as a Parent Coach, I help parents and children identify unhelpful patterns and find workable alternatives. I would like to warmly invite you on a journey in the form of a case that one mom shared with me.

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Feel together with your family, even from a distance

The holiday season is a time we all look forward to being together. It is a time to reconnect, spend some time enjoying each other’s company, and perhaps forget about the realities of the world. For many families in the Delft MaMa community, however, this will be the second season spent apart due to the constraints of the pandemic. The importance of being together, across space and time, is what inspired the creation of Peekabond – a video messenger to connect families using science-based play activities. Designed for families with young children, to feel connected to loved ones.

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Discover Delft with Secret City Trails

Are you one of those people who gets all the end-of-summer blues? Or that holds too tightly to warmer days? Secret City Trails’ motto is that there’s no bad weather… only bad clothing choices, especially in Delft! Urban stories, quirky details and charming corners… They’re always there for you and your family, no matter the season. Read about my experience trying Delft’s Discovery Walk with my husband and kids!

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Finding a Balance in Times of Coronavirus

home office, at home, work

Ever thought of finding a balance in times of coronavirus when everything needs to be done at home? For me, the typical day started when the 5-am-alarm went on. There was silence in the house. I looked out the windows and the streets were empty. With a blanket, laptop on my lap and my feet by the heater, I started my day. It has been busy lately. I started article writing for work, specifically about stocks. This was one of my most precious moments. Life at home in the times of corona-crisis has been rarely so quiet.

By Vania Suazo

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5 Tips for Mindfulness and Yoga with Kids

little girl, freedom, angel

We all feel the need to do something to calm our monkey minds. This also applies to kids and teens. In fact, our minds are continuously distracted by various stimulants. When we are distracted more than our limits, our minds will take it as stress. The issue of stress can also occur in kids and teens. However, our little ones usually do not recognize it by themselves and they need us to relieve it. That is why we need to support ourselves and our kids for a healthier mind, body and spirit. The most working methods to combat the issue of stress both for kids and adults are found to be mindfulness and yoga practices.

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