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Summer Fun with Your Kids in the Delft Area and at Home

Summer girls

Are you looking for inspiration regarding summer activities for your children? We at Delft MaMa strive to provide you with updated, comprehensive lists of activities, links to helpful websites, ways to keep your children entertained while at home, and information about playgrounds and parks.

Ideas for summer activities from our blog posts

Just last year, Justine Bentfield compiled a list of outdoor activities in and around Delft and it is a massive list! Take a look. There are summer camp options and year-long experiences in every sport and creative outlet imaginable.

Maybe you are looking for a new way to experience the city of Delft. Check out Sara’s article from October 2021, “Discover Delft with Secret City Trails.” If you have older kids at home this summer, this might be a fantastic boredom-buster that they can go off and do on their own with some friends.

Are you starting your summer garden? Then maybe you would feel inspired by Gülin Smit’s romantic storytelling and thoughtful analysis of her own gardening adventure. After reading her gardening blog from June 2021, I can’t wait to dig in the dirt in my own garden and see some produce flourish.

Summer fun activities suggested on our facebook page

Other than in the Delft MaMa blog, there have also been discussions in our Facebook group about places for kids to play in water in Delft. Some suggestions are already mentioned in the first blog post noted above. The following are some new suggestions.

Poptahof Park

Poptahof Park
water play
Poptahof Park (source: own archive)

Poptahof Park right in Delft has a little water play, so not a full swimming or fountain area, but nice to play with toy boats in toy canals.

Poptahof Park
water play
Poptahof Park water play area (source: own archive)

Het Verloren Strandje

Het Verloren Strandje
The Lost Beach
children's play area
water play
Het Verloren Strandje (source: own archive)

Another small Delft water playground park is the Lost Beach Playground (Het Verloren Strandje). There is a shallow beach area and a fire pit. In a box on the site, there are nets and buckets that children may use for exploring nature within the playground.

Het Verloren Strandje
Het Verloren Strandje picnic and playground area (source: own archive)

Speeltuin De Kievit

To the east of Delft is Speeltuin De Kievit. With a small entrance fee, you will have access to a playground and swimming pool.

Bogaard Stadscentrum

The most surprising suggestion mentioned on Facebook was the Bogaard City Center Mall (Bogaard Stadscentrum) in Rijswijk. Apparently, there is a small fountain that shoots water up and kids can play around in it!

Summer Fun With Your Kids At Home

If you are looking for some great ideas for those days when you are at home with kids, my favorite two “moms on the internet” are Susie Allison of Busy Toddler and Beth Rosenbleeth with Days with Grey. They were both teachers who became stay-at-home moms when their kids were little. In that time, they created simple, fun, and age-appropriate activities that they now share with the world. They make lessons which they sell, but there are tons of free ideas on their websites and Instagram.  Busy Toddler even has a free summer camp plan you can run at home on your own! These ladies are fantastic resources not just for babies and toddlers, but also for older kids. My kids (4 and 7) love the bubble foam from Busy Toddler and the math games from Days with Grey.

If you feel that your children need some new toys, but you don’t want more clutter, consider renting Lego sets from De Bounte Bouwplaats. My family has done this a few times. Every set is complete, and it’s so easy to pick them up and drop back off. My kids have enjoyed the sets for the three-week lending period and right as they begin to lose interest, the set goes back! No more sorting and picking up small Lego pieces!

children's play
renting toys
Legos, legos, and more legos! (source: Xavi Cabrera)

Excursions and Outings

Want to travel outside of Delft for the summer? Consider checking out this blog post by Elizabeth Newcamp. In it she details some close (maximum 3 hours by car) places that are “Pinterest worthy”. They are unusual and intriguing spots that would interest the whole family for a day.

family outings
nearby the Netherlands
From Elizabeth Newcamp’s blog post; walkable rollercoaster in Duisburg, Germany (~2 hours by car)

Elizabeth doesn’t just write great blogs about traveling distances. She also has one in the archives about a Staycation, activities that can make staying close to home feel like a vacation, for those who want to stay in Delft.

We Hope You Enjoy Your Summer!

Whatever you and your family decide to do, we at Delft MaMa wish you a summer of fun, laughter, and connecting with those you love and maybe some new friends!

Image by Paula Wiseman from Pixabay

Robyn’s favorite thing is raising her 3 kids with her partner Danny. Originally from California, her then family of 3 moved to Switzerland in 2018. Her second baby was born there. In August 2022, they made a permanent move to Delft only 8 weeks after the birth of their third baby. She studied elementary education and social justice at University. Before she had kids she taught 13-14 year olds math and science. In the Fall of 2023, she is looking forward to leading Delft MaMa and continuing the tradition of support and friendship this community provides international families living in Delft. In her free time, she loves to garden, read, run, and cook.

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