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Delft Botanical Garden

Thanks to the inspiration via a photo shared on the Delft MaMa Facebook group, our group of 3 mamas and 7 little girls spent the afternoon at the Delft Botanical Garden last Saturday and highly recommend it.

Not far from the city centre, this hidden gem is situated on the corner of Julianalaan and Mijnbouwstraat, next to the Science Centre.

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‘Welkom Hier’ – help refugee families in Delft 17th September 2016

Welkom Hier folder

Delft MaMa is contributing to the Refugee welcome event ‘Welkom Hier‘ on Saturday 17th September at the Theater De Veste by providing children’s activities for the children of the refugee families, as well as any children from the Delft community who are attending this free event.

Please come along to the event with your families if you would like to contribute to making these new members of the Delft community feel welcomed!Read More »‘Welkom Hier’ – help refugee families in Delft 17th September 2016

Alternative gift ideas

Hot air baloon

If, like me, you struggle to think of suitable presents for your spouse for their birthday, Christmas, father’s (or mother’s) day, how about something different like an activity or experience instead of something tangible? You’ll be amazed at how much there is to do locally. Here are some suggestions for you.Read More »Alternative gift ideas

Discover Delft’s History: Vermeer

One of the many advantages of living in this beautiful city is that you can take some time to really dive deep into discovering Delft’s fascinating history.  I love exploring culture with my children.

World-famous Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) lived a large part of his life in Delft.  “Almost all of his paintings are apparently set in two smallish rooms in his house in Delft; they show the same furniture and decorations in various arrangements and they often portray the same people, mostly women” quoted in Wikipedia.

Here are five ways to learn more about him and his beautiful works of art, along with some events you may like to visit.Read More »Discover Delft’s History: Vermeer

Frog? Spotted! Spider? Spotted! Lake? BINGO!

Coming Sunday the 29th of May, Delft MaMa is having its first charity walk and Delftse Hout will be turned into a bingo park. Sharpen up your searching skills and make sure you can spot all what’s on the bingo card that the volunteers will give to you upon registration.

Who do we do that all for? For you, for her, for him, for them, for us all, members of the Delft MaMa community!
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A Chance to Welcome Refugees to Delft

We have all been touched by stories of refugees travelling to Europe. Over the next year and a half, Delft is expecting 6.000 Refugees to join our community, and these families have encountered tremendous struggles that are almost unimaginable. As part of the Delft MaMa SLiDe (Soft Landing in Delft) Project, Delft Mamas have been sharing their well-known kindness and compassion to the newcoming Refugee Mamas and Families in Delft. Warm-hearted volunteers have organized activities for refugee children at events including the Taste! Christian Community Delft “Welkoms Maaltijd”, the Taste! Dutch Conversation Club, and in the future we will also provide support for the Dutch Up Your Life “New to Delft” Workshops that will soon start in Tanthof.

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