Part 5 of a series
Each week in the coming months, our blog team will share an interview with the coordinators of the various departments that make up the Delft MaMa organization. These coordinators, all of whom are volunteers, are the people who keep Delft MaMa such an active, vibrant community that helps so many parents in the Delft area.
This week, meet our Playgroup Coordinator, Adina Ciocoiu.

Tell us about yourself
My name is Adina Ciocoiu, I’m originally from Romania, and moved to the Netherlands 9 years ago. Since then I’ve been happily living in The Hague and I’m enjoying discovering the area and the country. A librarian by profession, I have specialised in and currently work with digital libraries in matters of digital collections publication and international collaboration.
I have no children of my own, but have been loving those of my brother and my friends and taking part in their play(ful) activities for 14 years now (that’s my first nephew’s age 🙂). While doing this, I noticed how my presence (or that of another adult engaging consciously in their playful activities) influences them and their family life. This has led to an interest in child psychology/play therapy/parenthood support. During the pandemic times, I sensed an even bigger need for caregiver support, and in 2021 I enrolled with the Dutch Gestalt Institute in their Gestalt Counsellor/Therapist training. Please visit The Library Within to learn more about my journey and my plans to help others in the future.
What is Your Role Within the Delft MaMa Organization?
I found Delft MaMa through the volunteer platform in The Hague (Home | Volunteer The Hague) and applied to host the playgroups in May 2021. In March 2022, when meeting in person as groups was safe again, I was very excited to start collaborating with Hellen Chandra-Boortman & Renee Tentori and began hosting the Playgroups gatherings in May 2022. I am now the Playgroup Coordinator, helping to ensure playgroups are meeting weekly.
How Has Delft MaMa Contributed to your Adaptation to Life in The Netherlands?
Hosting the playgroups is always a joy for me. It nourishes me to see parents being with each other, sharing their stories and their experiences. To be able to support such a caring community adds more purpose to my life. Being around kids and babies, watching them play, engaging in short mumbles with them are very precious moments to me. I have great respect for parents and their work, and I’m grateful that I have this opportunity to support them and their children.
What’s Your Favorite Place In Delft?
I have two favorite places in Delft.
The first one is the Botanical Garden. During summertime, when the weather was tempting enough to do so, I rode my bike to Delft and visited the botanical garden. The second one is the DOK library in the center of Delft, when oftentimes after the playgroup I go there to just chill, read my book or work on other projects.

What do you Do For Fun?
I love dancing and recently started exploring my passion for singing. Living so close to the sea, I love either cycling through the dunes or walking on the beach. This last activity matches with my favorite Dutch word, uitwaaien. That’s me walking on the beach in the first photo of this post.
Share a Secret With Us!
I secretly enjoy rainy days. I simply love them (and of course, while writing this on a Sunday, it started raining). It’s like having a very close, intimate encounter with the skies – of which, by the way, I love taking pictures! 🤫
And now the secret is out – You’re welcome ❣️
Volunteer with Delft MaMa
Delft MaMa is run by a team of talented and dedicated volunteers, eager to participate in projects and give a little bit (or a lot) of our time and expertise – and then go the extra mile too! We organize different activities with a wide range of purposes: give workshops, coordinate playgroups, and other social and business meetings, all with the common goal of connecting international families in Delft and its surrounds. So, if you feel that you have one or two hours to spare here and there, do consider joining our team of volunteers. It’s truly worthwhile!
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