If you are looking for ways to make sure your child or your new little baby has a peaceful and restful room, you may want to consider incorporating the principles of Feng Shui.
When it comes to decorating rooms for children or babies, there are insane amounts of choices. Sometimes we forget about the layout of the room and how it will impact the baby.
Feng Shui is less concerned with things like the style of the furniture, the colour of the bedding, or the decorating theme of the room. Instead, it addresses ways to make sure children and babies have an environment which is calming for them and fosters their growth.
What is Feng shui?
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art and science of creating harmonious environments by allowing energy, or “chi,” to flow freely. Feng Shui is about spatial arrangement – creating a supportive, positive flow of energy and balance in the room. By arranging and aligning the room according to Feng Shui principles, energy will flow better and those who reside in that space will flourish and prosper and sleep better through the night.
Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all sensitive to the energy around us. Babies, whose neurological systems are developing rapidly, are much attuned to the stimuli around them. Good energy in the room can soothe, nourish and strengthen a baby’s energy and help them feel secure, comfortable and happy. Feng Shui is more than just decorating space nicely; it is about expressing love and care for your child.
Tips for preparing a baby’s room using Feng Shui Principles
There are a few places to avoid when you think of a location for the room for your child.
- Avoid a room over a garage. As a garage is typically a storage area, it has inactive and stagnant energy and will affect the energy in your child’s room.
- The room shouldn’t be located by a busy street or road with lots of traffic and noise.
- Don’t choose a room underneath a bathroom.
- A room with sloping ceilings will ‘weigh down’ on the baby. If a sloping ceiling is unavoidable, try sticking glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling to ‘lift’ the weight.
Where and how you place the bed or crib has a big influence on your child’s sleep. Beds close to the door or directly in line with the door are not good for restful sleep because there is an active “energy flow” here in which the child is trying to sleep. The same goes for having the bed next to or in front of a window, as the energy flows through the window. Also, beds placed in the middle of the room give no sense of support.
Ideally, place the bed against a solid wall so the bed’s length is perpendicular to the wall and make sure the head is protected. For adults, this means using a headboard; for babies and children, it means being mindful about everything around the head of a child so that the chi energy flow is calm.
Never place mobiles above the head while your baby is sleeping, as it can cause disturbed sleep. Hang those nice mobiles close to the window to move gently in the breeze and keep soft music playing in the room.
In Feng Shui, electromagnetic fields are considered chi-blocking, so it is advised to keep electronic devices at least one metre away. Scientific studies have also found negative effects to physical health, including the possibility of contributing to some autoimmune disorders.
Whenever possible, use natural materials for the bedding and the curtains, floor, rugs, furniture and toys. Good choices for natural materials include cotton, silk, linen and bamboo. Furniture and objects with sharp points should be avoided. Safety for you and your child comes first.
Although children’s play areas are often brightly coloured and with plenty of contrast, this can be overstimulating. Soothing colours are better. Babies and children need restful sleep for healthy growth, so be sure to select restful colours.
Look beyond traditional pink or blue. Choose the colours you like – colours that will comfort and soothe both you and the baby. Harmonious colours such as pale green and blue, white and beige, vanilla, or pink and yellow.
Natural motifs and designs are always welcome, but skip anything excessive, like large prints or huge murals. They can appear imposing or even threatening. A big flower or entire wall that depicts an ocean scene can make a small child feel isolated. Choose friendly, relaxing and soothing motifs. A child’s energy is a natural bundle of creativity and playfulness. Images of nature, cute animals, butterflies or fairies, are cheerful and gentle.

If you put yourself in your child’s position, looking at the world through their eyes, what would you want to see as you wake up and as you fall asleep? Busy jungle motifs with elephants, tigers and a tall giraffe staring at you?
Less is more for adults and also for children. I see parents bringing every possible amazing goodie and toy into the space, but less is best. Too many toys and clutter stops the flow of energy, and that is the opposite of what every growing baby and child needs.
Think of the room as a space for bonding and relaxation with your little one. Open windows daily for fresh air when the room is empty to keep the fresh vibes flowing in.

Want to read more?
Visit www.feng-shui-design.nl
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Ideal Room for Your Child
6 July, 2021
19.30 – 21.00
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