Thanks to the inspiration via a photo shared on the Delft MaMa Facebook group, our group of 3 mamas and 7 little girls spent the afternoon at the Delft Botanical Garden last Saturday and highly recommend it.
Not far from the city centre, this hidden gem is situated on the corner of Julianalaan and Mijnbouwstraat, next to the Science Centre.

Google Maps Screenshot Botanische Tuin Delft
The actual visiting address is Portlandplein 6 and the Dutch name is Botanische Tuin Delft. It’s part of TU Delft and serves an important scientific purpose. From their website:
The Botanical Garden of the TU Delft is a public-oriented garden as well as a research garden. Together with the university gardens of Leiden and Utrecht, the Delft Garden participates in the scientific botanical network of the Netherlands. Delft particularly specialises in applied technological education and also in technological plant research.
As far as kids are concerned though, it’s just great fun. There is one particular section dedicated to kids with a fun little building and slide. Particularly popular with our children was the “barefoot path”, where kids are encouraged to take their shoes off and feel the different surfaces.
There is a “speurtocht” available for children, where they search for letters hidden throughout the garden. This is only available in Dutch but isn’t difficult to follow even if you’re not a fluent Dutch speaker. Children receive a small gift at the end when they complete this. You may wish to take a pen as these were in short supply when we were there.
There is no food or drink available, so you may wish to bring snacks or even a picnic.
When we were there, an outdoor ceramics exhibition displayed throughout the garden made it even more enchanting, and we all enjoyed discovering the unique creations at almost every turn.
Operated by a friendly group of volunteers, the garden is open from Monday-Saturday all year round and also on Sundays from May-September.
Entry is 4 euros for an adult, 2 euros for a child and free for those under 4. If you have a MuseumKaart, it’s free.
For up to date details, visit their website:
You can also become a “vriend van de tuin”, and receive an annual pass for the garden for only 10€, which includes you + 1 guest, you can buy the card at the info desk and they’ll send you the card at home. You can read more info about it here:
Have you been to the Delft Botanical Garden? Or did you go as a result of this post? Would love your comments below!
Love the botanical gardens, just wanted to mention it is also free with a Rotterdam/delft pass.